The students will play a more important executive list role in the field than the large class. In my opinion, students should have the right to act individually in the classroom, and although they can be restrained by the teacher's power (discipline), they cannot be executive list deprived. Although we are currently discussing "what rights should students have" in small classes, which is a topic centered on the perspective of students, we cannot completely ignore the demand side of "small class learning products", that is, the needs of parents. My general thinking logic traction iseeds to see the results.
Parents' needs: to obtain better learning results per unit time solution: Teachers allocate more energy to individual student learning situations executive list parameters, content, actions) More "advanced learning" behaviors (demonstration, discussion, practice, teaching others, peer learning) Student Rights Principles: Low-level learning behavior rights: listening executive list to lectures, answering, High-level learning behavior rights: student->student exchange, student->teacher exchange, asking questions to teachers, asking questions to classmates, answering classmates’ questions, demonstrating & teaching content, etc.
Functional design: open rights, clear bottom line. Open Rights - Ability x Scenario x Influence: "Voice, Text, Video" x "All Staff, Individual" x "Seat, Podium" Clarify the bottom line-punishment control: clarify what power the teacher has and the bottom line for executive list the teacher to use the power. For example, the teacher has the right to stand up (close the small dark room: ban the microphone + camera + text), if a classmate always chats with other classmates and affects others in class. Three, "goods" Online small class is a class in which teachers and students have relatively executive list equal rights and students can participate in a high degree.